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  • Sku: YM07093
  • Vendor: Amigo Foods

Combinado de Mate & Bombilla "TANGO-BUENOS AIRES" Bombilla con Adorno y Mate Tallado a Mano y Barnizado


Product description

Tango-Buenos Aires Set

Decorative Argentine Yerba Mate Bombilla & Gourd

Bombilla CleanerThis decorative hand carved varnished gourd and matching bombilla is an excellent choice for drinking your mate. The gourd displays an Argentine couple dancing the Tango under the moon and stars. The gourd has an attached cover which closes to keep your mate warm.

The straight 17 centimeter long bombilla has the word "Argentina" enscribed. The yerba mate bombilla's filter is made from a tightly coiled spring. This set is imported from Argentina.

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Combinado de Mate & Bombilla "TANGO-BUENOS AIRES" Bombilla con Adorno y Mate Tallado a Mano y Barnizado


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